The Lents Stabilization and Job Creation Collaborative has built a foundation for improving community stability, equity, natural resource restoration and economic growth in flood-prone areas of the Lents and Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are composed of largely under-served communities. For over 100 years, considerable employment and residential development has occurred in Johnson Creek’s 100-year floodplain. Within the Lents and Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhoods, about 330 acres are designated by FEMA as flood hazard areas. The real and perceived impacts from this designation undermine development and job creation, and significantly burden hundreds of residents with the rising costs of flood insurance. Flooding of Foster Road and industrial land also impacts the health of Johnson Creek.
The Lents Stabilization and Job Creation project brings together a broad mix of stakeholders to address these issues and improve community conditions in a way that can be replicated in other parts of the region and the state. Few places in the region and state offer the same potential to leverage actions toward the triple bottom line of sustainability – economy, equity and environment – in one location.
The Declaration of Cooperation signing ceremony occurred September 5, 2018.
Key Links
Link to Lents project Google drive for all project meeting materials and documents
Link to Portland Flood Insurance Study
Governor’s Designation Letter (PDF)
Declaration of Cooperation (PDF)