Milton-Freewater USACE General Investigation project

The Milton-Freewater Water Control District (MFWCD) Board, in coordination with and support from the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) Department of Natural Resources, asked Oregon Solutions to support the collaborative development a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to initiate a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) General Investigation (GI study). The GI study … Read more

Gilliam Attainable Housing Project

Gilliam County, like many communities in rural Oregon, faces an interconnected housing and jobs challenge that threatens the community’s long term survival. This project addressed the lack of adequate attainable housing, especially in the cities of Arlington and Condon. One of the project goals was to find strategies and implementation tools to increase attainable housing for … Read more

Moist Mixed Conifer Science-Policy Workshop

The Moist Mixed Conifer Science-Policy Workshop was held in Pendleton Oregon on December 4-5th and brought together scientists, technical specialists, forest collaboratives and policy-makers to discuss management strategies for eastside moist-mixed conifer forests with the following focus: Goals: Review the latest research findings on moist mixed-conifer forests, to take advantage of the Pacific Northwest Research Station’s just-completed … Read more

Prosperity Pilot Malheur CTE

The Oregon Prosperity Initiative (OPI) is a commitment to create a robust, thriving economy by removing barriers to overcoming poverty and empowering community members to maximize their potential.  The initiative is working on two fronts: ensuring that people and families who are currently living in poverty have access to critical resources, and addressing the root … Read more

Sage-Grouse Conservation Partnership (SageCon)

Stay up to date with the SageCon Partnership through the official website.  The 5th Annual SageCon Summit is coming up December 8-9, 20202. Get details and RSVP. For meeting agendas, presentations, summaries and related materials; please visit the SageCon Google Drive Folder Wrapped up in the name “sage-grouse” are a host of complex issues related to … Read more

Columbia River-Umatilla Solutions Taskforce

Drawing upon the work of the Umatilla Basin Commission and recent efforts in the State of Washington, this Oregon Solutions project convened partners to identify ways in which additional water withdrawals from the Columbia River can be done in a way to benefit both fish and farms, helping provide economic development opportunities in the agricultural … Read more

Umatilla Forest Collaborative Group

Project Synopsis & Timeline In July of 2011, the US Forest Service sponsored a listening tour on the Umatilla National Forest with public, private, and nonprofit stakeholders.  A critical mass of those in attendance elected to form a standing collaborative group to engage on vegetation management practices on the Umatilla National Forest.  Members asked questions … Read more

Western Juniper Alliance

Project Information Promising new partnerships between government, civic leaders, nonprofit organizations and businesses formed due to the growing alarm around the proliferation of western juniper throughout eastern Oregon.  There was general agreement that juniper needed to be removed from public and privately-owned lands to improve grazing land, discourage the spread of invasive weed growth, improve … Read more

Boardman Workforce Housing and Community Development

The Port of Morrow is located in Boardman and acts as a major economic driver for the entire eastern Oregon/Washington region. It was estimated that at one time, 1,400 employees worked for the Port and its associated businesses, but 60-70 percent of that workforce commutes from neighboring areas such as Hermiston and the Tri-Cities. The … Read more

Wallowa County Sustainable Forestry

Wallowa Resources, a non-profit in Enterprise, has been assisting local mills in Wallowa County to process timber from small diameter trees as part of an effort to improve forest health in the region.  Wallowa Resources was created by the community of Wallowa County as a non-profit organization to provide leadership in sustainability by promoting community, … Read more