Clackamas County ONEStop

The ONEStop has been conceived as a virtual public, private, non-profit and academic partnership in support of the metropolitan region’s foodshed vision. The vision of this project was to advance local economic development and job creation in the emerging food system cluster while fostering sustainability co-benefits such as public health, food equity and environmental stewardship.

The ONEStop increased and enhanced each partner organization’s capacity to assist growers. It was designed so that a grower has a single ONEStop partner as a lead. That lead would be able to draw on the services of all the partner organizations to benefit the grower. The goal was to leverage technical and financial resources among the partners to help growers.

Governor’s Designation Letter (PDF)

Declaration of Cooperation (PDF)



The ONEStop partners supported the following overall goals for the ONEStop:

  1. Support local producers in serving the Portland regional foodshed markets and beyond.
  2. Increase the economic vitality in agriculture food and beverage production, processing, distribution, retail and consumption.
  3. Improve access to locally-produced food and beverages.
  4. Expand connections among ONEStop partner organizations.
  5. Share the success of the ONEStop model with communities across Oregon and beyond.


The whole concept of the ONEStop was built on the foundation of collaboration. The project helped enable organizations to collaborate more quickly, comprehensively, and more consistently than in the past. The project also has better reached underserved growers through collaborative cross-marketing of programs, services and resources. In addition, the project sought to enable staff among the partner organizations to work together more efficiently and effectively. The group also created a new website in October 2016 that seeks to be a new resource for farmers in Clackamas County. The Clackamas County ONEStop Farmgate is a new website designed to make it easy for farmers in the county to access the resources they need to be successful.

For more information on the current activities of the the now established Clackamas County ONEStop, visit: