Lower Columbia Solutions Group

The Lower Columbia Solutions Group (LCSG) was convened by the National Policy Consensus Center (NPCC), on behalf of the governors of Oregon and Washington, in 2002.  The LCSG membership includes key federal, state, local, nonprofit, and private sector stakeholders. The group has met periodically to work collaboratively on beneficial use projects related to maintenance dredging and sediment management in the lower stem of the Columbia River.

The two original principal objectives of the Lower Columbia Solutions Group were to help rebuild relationships between the parties that had been polarized during the Columbia River channel-deepening debate, and to provide a neutral forum for working on sediment management practices in the Lower Columbia.  Since 2011, the LCSG work has focused solely on the Mouth of the Columbia River Regional Sediment Management Plan.  The LCSG members and other entities signed a Declaration of Cooperation in January of 2012, capturing agreement on an Mouth of the Columbia River Adaptive Management Plan, including establishing up to four new dispersal sites, two in each state, in the littoral zone.  A Management Team and Technical Team, charged by the LCSG, have continued to meet since 2012 and have successfully completed implementation of dispersal and adaptive management monitoring.  This successful collaboration is ongoing.

To learn more about the Lower Columbia Solutions Group, visit their website.

Declaration of Cooperation (PDF)