Changing consumer demand has created both new market opportunities for agricultural producers and evolving requirements for access to major markets. The Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Resource Center (OSARC) was established to draw together the education, information, and technical support needed by Oregon farmers and ranchers wishing to capture those opportunities and meet the requirements.
This project focused on creating an opportunity for Oregon growers to voluntarily make changes in their practices for greater stewardship. By collaborating with public and private partners using the Oregon Solutions process, the Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Resource Center was intended to be a comprehensive and practical tool for growers to help farmers adapt stewardship practices to benefit water quality, water temperature, and fish and wildlife habitat of the Willamette River.
OSARC aimed to serve Oregon agricultural producers to qualify under certification programs and voluntarily participate in public and private assistance programs. Anticipated outcomes included more economically and ecologically sustainable farms and ranches; a more resilient rural economy; stronger bonds between rural, urban, and suburban residents; and a healthier environment for all Oregonians.
Governor’s Designation Letter (PDF)
Declaration of Cooperation (PDF)
- An inability to obtain state funding from the legislature for OSARC led to a cessation in development. Project team members have expressed a desire to implement OSARC when resources allow the opportunity to be revisited.