Oregon Wine Industry Collaborative

wine grapes

wine grapesIn early 2020, in the wake of a contentious legislative session, and after being contacted by association representatives of the wine industry as well as the Oregon Liquor Control Commission looking for tools and approaches to resolve industry-wide tensions and explore different governing approaches for industry groups, Oregon Solutions conducted an assessment with individuals representing statewide and regional perspectives. Key issues that surfaced included modernizing the Oregon brand, managing growth in the marketplace, updating labeling requirements, reviewing statewide governance and representation, and improving communication across organizational systems.

From 2020 to 2021, a wine industry collaborative forum met to address key issues and to work through a collaborative issue resolution process to help resolve tensions and build stronger unity among the industry.

Assessment Report (PDF)

Meeting Materials

November 30, 2020, Meeting Summary (PDF)

November 9, 2020, Meeting Summary (PDF)

August 21, 2020, Meeting Summary (PDF)

August 11, 2020, Meeting Summary (PDF)