Pendleton Solutions

Pendleton is experiencing a shortage of workforce housing. Unlike other areas of the state and country that have a flood of properties available, Pendleton has a low vacancy rate with many employees traveling great distances to work in the community. Businesses have the potential to expand their operations but lack access to a stable workforce due to the proximity of available housing. The commute is a costly burden for employees and decreases their available income. Mid-income housing is needed, as is development of land to provide new houses for a higher income population.

Oregon Solutions became involved in this project as a pilot project to determine if the Oregon Solutions model could be institutionalized at the city level.  Oregon Solutions provided staff support to initiate the City Solutions Governance System, and to engage a group of local leaders in a community project that supported local objectives.

Declaration of Cooperation (PDF)


  • Short term goal: increase supply of multifamily dwellings on Tutuilla Road
  • Mid-term goal: increase supply of single-family homes
  • Consider the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and determine if there is a need to expand outward or to reallocate lands already inside the UGB


  • Several developers have expressed interest in the Tutuilla property.  A developer’s proposal was approved by Pendleton City Council on 5/2/2011; a preliminary site plan was approved by the Pendleton Planning Commission on 6/2/2011.
  • Discussions with landowners regarding willingness to sell property for development of single-family homes have occurred.