South Douglas County Continuing Technical Education Collaborative

South Douglas County Continuing Technical Education Collaborative

South Douglas County school districts–Days Creek, Glendale, Riddle, South Umpqua, and Winston-Dillard–with assistance from the Douglas Education Service District are pursuing career and technical education (CTE) opportunities with a goal of establishing a stand-alone regional CTE center in South Douglas County to expand the districts’ existing programs. Students would remain enrolled in their area school, but would visit the CTE center for technical education designed to prepare them for careers after high school. The Oregon Solutions project leveraged Oregon’s Measure 98 investment. In a December 22, 2017, letter, Governor Brown designated the effort an Oregon Solutions project. The collaborative asked Oregon Solutions to help them establish a governance agreement, cross-sector partnerships, and leveraged resources to launch an initial program of study.

Governor’s Designation Letter (PDF)