Early childhood literacy was identified as a leading way to address poverty in the long term. The Klamath Tribes/Chiloquin Community Early Literacy Project focused on engaging parents and the community to ensure local children are ready to read when they enter school. This project brought together the Tribes and the Chiloquin community in collaboration with the StORyTime project of the Oregon Education Investment Board.
Governor’s Designation Letter (PDF)
Declaration of Cooperation (PDF)
- Prevent poverty and increase prosperity by making sure all Klamath Tribes/Chiloquin community children are prepared to read when they enter school and are reading at grade level by grade three
- Four times less likely to drop out of school, twice as likely to graduate from high school, and three times more likely to go to college
- Implement strategies that incorporate reading into everyday life by engaging parents and communities in ways that are culturally specific and creative
- Focus on children ages zero to six
Additional Resources
October 2015 Klamath Tribe Newsletter- Early Literacy Project article and photos on page 3 (PDF)
Education Service District July 2015 Newsletter project update (PDF)