North Bend Airport Terminal

In October 2003, the South Coast Development Council in conjunction with a majority of the region’s economic development stakeholders published a white paper, “Economy and Transportation Issues, Coos County, Oregon.” Chief among its findings and recommendations was the development of an expanded commercial air route structure and the construction of new passenger terminal facilities as … Read moreNorth Bend Airport Terminal

Federal Forest Working Group (FFWG)

Since 2008, the purpose of the FFWG (formerly the FFAC Implementation Working Group) has been to pursue implementation of the Board of Forestry’s recommendations on how to accomplish more management on federal lands in partnership with the state. These recommendations appear in the Board’s 2009 report,  “Achieving Oregon’s Vision for Federal Forestlands.” Beginning with the … Read moreFederal Forest Working Group (FFWG)

Lane County Food Distribution

The Lane County Food Distribution project assisted Lane County schools, colleges, and hospitals in sourcing more food from local farms and distributors. Oregon Solutions brought farmers, distributors, nonprofits, and institutions together to increase the market for locally-produced food by overcoming barriers of aggregation, distribution, storage, and processing, and by building connections through the development of … Read moreLane County Food Distribution

Portland Community Gardens

The Portland Community Gardens project sought to increase community gardening opportunities in Portland, Oregon. A scarcity of community garden space, combined with an ongoing interest in food security, self reliance, and sustainability, led to an Oregon Solutions project to help boost the ability of Portlanders to grow their own food.

Willamette Falls Locks Task Force 2016

The Willamette Falls Locks connect the upper and lower sections of the Willamette River providing the only safe passage for recreational and commercial boats around the forty-foot falls. Operated by the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Willamette Locks struggles to stay open due to steep operational costs and inconsistent funding. Oregon Solutions has been … Read moreWillamette Falls Locks Task Force 2016

Delta Ponds

The City of Eugene wanted water to flow once again through the Delta Ponds to the Willamette River. Decades of gravel extraction, flood management, and urbanization cut the Delta Ponds landscape into ponds severed from the river and diminished the area’s wildlife habitat. Oregon Solutions convened a team of government agencies, property owners, businesses, and … Read moreDelta Ponds

Vernonia Schools

After devastating floods ravaged Vernonia school infrastructure, Oregon Solutions brought government agencies and community leaders together to locate, fund, and rebuild new facilities on higher ground. In December 2010, the team celebrated the groundbreaking of a new K-12 school campus under construction, and in August 2012 the community celebrated the opening of the new school … Read moreVernonia Schools

Tillamook Basin Flooding Reduction

Oregon Solutions was asked to bring together federal, state, and local government agencies with community leaders to agree on the best strategies to mitigate flood events in the Tillamook basin. The team evaluated and prioritized projects that will diminish severe flooding and alleviate flooding damage. New partnerships were formed to expedite the projects and leverage … Read moreTillamook Basin Flooding Reduction