Renewable Energy and Eastern Oregon Landscape Conservation Partnership (REECon)

The Renewable Energy Opportunities and Eastern Oregon Landscape Conservation Partnership (REECon) was established to collaboratively address the needs and issues inherent in renewable energy development and habitat conservation across Eastern Oregon. Partners sought collaborative approaches to mutually address issues, beginning with sagebrush and sage- grouse issues, to determine criteria for identifying areas in Eastern Oregon … Read more

Transportation Electrification Executive Council (TEEC)

In 2009, Oregon’s Alternative Fuels Working Group identified a number of barriers associated with transportation electrification and provided recommendations to address the barriers.  One recommendation of the group was the creation of a governor designated executive council to formulate strategies, plans, and partnerships. The Transportation Electrification Executive Council (TEEC) was established by governor’s executive order … Read more

Gateway Green

The Gateway Green project in Portland’s eastside Gateway neighborhood was an outgrowth of several planning studies and the collective grassroots efforts of a number of community stakeholders. The project area consisted of highly visible but underutilized open space surrounded by the confluence of I-84 and I-205 (35 acres) and the adjoining publicly-owned, but practically inaccessible, … Read more

Milton Freewater Levee

The Walla Walla River runs adjacent to the City of Milton-Freewater, Oregon. In the 1940s, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) constructed levees along the river to protect property from flooding. Several areas of  the river have deficient flood control structures and need to be fixed. There is an estimated $1.8 million cost to … Read more

Pendleton Solutions

Pendleton is experiencing a shortage of workforce housing. Unlike other areas of the state and country that have a flood of properties available, Pendleton has a low vacancy rate with many employees traveling great distances to work in the community. Businesses have the potential to expand their operations but lack access to a stable workforce … Read more

Southern Oregon Clean Energy Alliance (SOCEA)

The Southern Oregon Clean Energy Alliance (SOCEA) initially consisted of five Southern Oregon Counties, and has since grown to include eight counties in the southwest corner of the state.  The SOCEA counties are: Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Lane, and Josephine.  All these counties have been hard hit by the contraction of the traditional … Read more

Applegate Sustainable Aggregate

Gravel extraction can often be harsh on the surrounding environment and detrimental to landscapes and watersheds.  In the Applegate Watershed, which falls in both Josephine and Jackson counties, an Oregon Solutions team was convened to review available data and to identify the conditions and additional studies needed to determine how to extract gravel in an … Read more

Charleston Coastal and Ocean Center

The town of Charleston, on the southern Oregon coast, supports one of Oregon’s largest commercial and recreational fishing fleets and also serves as the base of operations for multiple scientific, education and coastal resource management organizations.   In order to plan for a productive and sustainable future, Charleston was looking to develop an integrated coastal and … Read more

Deschutes County Transportation

In Central Oregon, rapid population growth increased the need for transportation services in general,  and specifically better coordination of transportation options for seniors, disabled persons and persons without the means of personal mobility. The Deschutes County Transportation project team coordinated existing mobility services and created a permanent public transportation system to serve all people and … Read more

North Bend Airport Terminal

In October 2003, the South Coast Development Council in conjunction with a majority of the region’s economic development stakeholders published a white paper, “Economy and Transportation Issues, Coos County, Oregon.” Chief among its findings and recommendations was the development of an expanded commercial air route structure and the construction of new passenger terminal facilities as … Read more