Farmer’s Irrigation District Fish Screen

This project involved developing, prototyping, and utilizing fish-friendly screens for the irrigation district to help provide long-term sustainability for the orchard industry in Hood River. The project was planned to be accomplished in three phases: field testing of the screens, development and implementation of a business strategy to generate revenue from screen production, and using … Read more

Columbia Gorge Discovery Center

The Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Wasco County Historical Museum, located in The Dalles, serves as the official interpretive center for the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area. The spectacular facility on Crates Point overlooking the river provides exhibits that highlight the natural beauty, geologic history, and rich heritage of the area. At the request of … Read more

Lincoln City Local Food Project

This project proposed to strengthen the Lincoln City Farmers Market by the time the market re-opened in May 2009. It increased the amount of local food production and consumption by connecting producers with food outlets such as grocery stores, restaurants and institutions in Lincoln City. The initiative sought to improve the city’s farmers market and … Read more

Lane County Clean Diesel

The Lane County Clean Diesel project was born out of the need to establish a stable, reasonably-priced supply of ultra-low-sulfur diesel and biodiesel in Lane County, Oregon. The project was sponsored by Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority through a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency, and was designated by Governor Ted Kulongoski as an Oregon … Read more

Columbia River Clean Diesel Project

The Portland/Vancouver region is one of five international gateways on the United States West Coast.   The region is well served by major trade facilities in marine, rail, and truck cargo.  Each of these modes uses equipment powered primarily by diesel engines.  The freight moving sector, responding to local, regional, and national air quality concerns, has … Read more

Stream Restoration Partnership

The Oregon Solutions Stream Restoration Partnership Project, sponsored by The Freshwater Trust and the Department of State Lands, was designed with the goal of making private land restoration easier on a landscape scale and at an accelerated pace that promotes the quality conservation outcomes needed to attain watershed health in a meaningful time frame. Governor’s … Read more

Fort-Clatsop-to-the-Sea Trail

The Fort-Clatsop-to-the-Sea-Trail Project team came together with the objective to construct a trail from the Fort Clatsop National Memorial to Sunset Beach as part of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial to commemorate the historic trail Lewis and Clark took to reach the ocean from their shelter at Fort Clatsop. In order to complete the project, … Read more

Lakeview Biomass

Forest restoration projects are different from typical timber sales in that they generally do not create enough saw-logs and other valuable commodities to pay for themselves.  Federal agencies do not have sufficient appropriations to pay for these types of projects, at least at the scale required to achieve restoration across these affected landscapes.  In order … Read more

Jefferson County Public Transportation

Public transportation is a problem facing most rural communities, and Jefferson County is no exception. Lack of transit options affects employers, individuals without the means to afford a vehicle, and elderly or disabled people who are unable to drive. Jefferson County, the Oregon Department of Transportation, the Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council, and the Central Oregon … Read more

Humboldt School

The goals of this project were to ensure that efforts in housing, community development, and education are coordinated, creative, and positive for the neighborhood and Humboldt School. This Oregon Solutions project leveraged resources to create positive differences in the Humboldt neighborhood and at the Humboldt School. City agencies looked to Oregon Solutions for help aligning … Read more