Prosperity Pilot Southern Oregon Success

Convocation #2 event, 4/26/2014.

The School2Work and Youth Development Committees of Southern Oregon Success (SORS) worked to make sure all high school youth who are in need receive additional support, experience and encouragement to successfully graduate and transition to post-secondary training and a career. This effort became one of the Oregon Prosperity Initiative Pilot projects and used the Oregon Solution model to help link schools and community partners in alliances that will improve success of students.

The project began with an assessment of the schools in Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath Counties, using the Post- Secondary Encouragement Tool for interviews that gathered baseline data regarding current post-secondary encouragement practices and future priorities to improve post-secondary success for students. A Post-Secondary Encouragement Convocation was held in December 2013 to share the data and to identify priority outcomes – and partners who could help achieve them – for each school. In April 2014 a second convocation was held to establish specific commitments between schools and community partners that will help improve post-secondary success.

Governor’s Designation Letter (PDF)

Declaration of Cooperation (PDF)

Additional Resources

Post Secondary Assessment

Convocation #1


Convocation #2