Boardman subdivision soothes demand of commuting workforce

Just shy of a year after breaking ground, Boardman’s new Tuscany subdivision celebrated the completion of its first two houses Friday on South Main Street and Wilson Lane. The development marks a major step forward for a city in dire need of housing to accommodate a rapidly growing workforce…

Work will continue on defective Columbia River levee system

Sixty-seven years after the city of Vanport was leveled by raging waters of the Columbia River, the failed levee that triggered the disaster is still inadequate to withstand a major flood. However, the city of Portland and other local governments continue to work on the problem under the auspices of an Oregon Solutions Project…

Legislature Funds Oregon’s Fledgling Juniper Industry

Juniper is a native Oregon species. But decades of fire suppression and grazing have allowed the tree to spread voraciously over Eastern and Central Oregon. That’s a problem because juniper consumes sage grouse habitat and sucks up a lot of water. The Oregon Legislature passed two bills at the end of the session to help boost … Read more

A pathway for Gateway Green

What’s now a narrow, weedy, unused 38-acre parcel at the confluence of Interstate 205 and I-84 in East Portland is a field of dreams for Linda Robinson and Ted Gilbert. Since 2008, the community activist and developer have been spearheading a grassroots community project called Gateway Green…

Floodplain Restoration to Benefit Salmon on West Coast of US

US – Government agencies have come together on the West Coast of the US to reconnect floodplain habitat with salmon-bearing streams, which should help to improve salmon populations. Salmon are severely impacted by the loss of floodplain habitats throughout the West Coast. In Oregon’s Tillamook Bay, nearly 90 per cent of estuaries’ tidal wetlands have … Read more

Coalition tackles childhood obesity

Public, nonprofit and private organizations from throughout the region recently gathered to pledge their commitment to an effort to reduce childhood obesity in Wasco County, publicly signing pledges to the Wasco Childhood Obesity Reduction Community Action Plan (WCORCAP). #“The rate of childhood obesity in Wasco County exceeds both the state and national average,” said Michele … Read more