WOELK: Water task force an ambitious undertaking
At first blush, it would appear the Columbia River-Umatilla Solutions Task Force’s odds of succeeding are slim and none —?and slim is headed for the door.
At first blush, it would appear the Columbia River-Umatilla Solutions Task Force’s odds of succeeding are slim and none —?and slim is headed for the door.
The Columbia Basin is likely to become a greener place — agriculturally, economically and environmentally — if the new Columbia River-Umatilla Solutions Task Force’s vision becomes reality.
Today Governor Kitzhaber designated the Columbia River Water Supply Program as an Oregon Solutions Project. In the near term, Oregon Solutions will bring together key interests to develop several specific proposals that can be carried out over the next two to three years. The proposals will both support expanded agriculture and benefit fisheries and other … Read moreGovernor Kitzhaber designates Columbia River Water Supply Effort as Oregon Solutions Project
A prototype green modular classroom is being built under an agreement with Portland State University, which the partners hope will be a model for healthy, energy efficient portable classrooms that address overcrowding.
A brighter future for Northeast Oregon’s wood products industry is on the horizon if a collaborative effort focused on improving forest health and bolstering the regional economy succeeds.
Portland State University is moving forward with its effort to build green portable classrooms with a finalized design and plans to build the first two prototypes this summer. The effort, launched in response to the demand for portable classrooms, is an Oregon Solutions project — carrying the support of Gov. John Kitzhaber.