Floodplain Restoration to Benefit Salmon on West Coast of US

US – Government agencies have come together on the West Coast of the US to reconnect floodplain habitat with salmon-bearing streams, which should help to improve salmon populations. Salmon are severely impacted by the loss of floodplain habitats throughout the West Coast. In Oregon’s Tillamook Bay, nearly 90 per cent of estuaries’ tidal wetlands have … Read moreFloodplain Restoration to Benefit Salmon on West Coast of US

Open house to focus on Tillamook flood reduction, habitat restoration project

TILLAMOOK, Ore. – The Federal Emergency Management Agency will host a Southern Flow Corridor Project open house this Wednesday, June 17. The public is invited to drop in any time between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. at the Port of Tillamook Bay Officer’s Mess Hall, 6825 Officer’s Row, Tillamook, and ask questions or submit comments about … Read moreOpen house to focus on Tillamook flood reduction, habitat restoration project

Port of Tillamook Bay wins FEMA Appeal

The Port of Tillamook Bay is now eligible to receive $4.3 million in federal funds for its flood reduction project planned northwest of the City of Tillamook. The eligibility ruling comes after two years of Port appeals within the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The project, known as the Southern Flow Corridor, was developed by … Read morePort of Tillamook Bay wins FEMA Appeal